Dear Urban3Guard participants,
We are happy to open the call for STSM and ITC Conference Grants from our Action. The applications should be submitted latest on March 6th, at 12.00 CET via the eCOST. We aim to provide the decisions on March 13th.
For detailed instructions and process descriptions, click here.
The participation of Early-Career Investigators (ECIs) is particularly encouraged. Participants interested in hosting an STSM in their units are welcome to spread the information to their contacts. We hope to be able to finance up to 10 STSMs this year, with priority for STSM projects linked to WG1, WG3 and WG4 tasks (please study the Action MoU for details of the WG tasks).
We also have room for a few ITC conference grants. We would like to highlight the next International Congress of Plant Pathology where there will be a session dedicated to "Bioinvasion in the urban environment: pathways, early warning, mitigation measures, institutional frameworks and policy implementation”.
* The activities should be conducted entirely during the period from April 1st to October 15th, 2022.
* The grants should be reported latest on October 24th to ensure that the grant can be paid to the grantee.