
APPLY NOW! 1st UB3Guard Training School: Current problems in urban tree health - Canker Stain Disease of Plane Trees

13 July 2023

Plane trees (Platanus spp.) are common tree species in urban areas throughout Europe, providing essential ecosystem services, including temperature regulation, cultural and aesthetic values, and support for biodiversity. Alarmingly, the future of plane trees in urban and forest settings is threatened by Canker Stain Disease (CSD) of plane trees, caused by the lethal fungus Ceratocystis platani. The CA201132 training school aims to provide the participants with an updated scientific background regarding biology, diagnosis and management of CSD.

Program: TS Athens.pdf

Target groups: PhD students and young researchers with relevant research interests; professionals working with management and care of urban trees, urban planning, or other related tasks. The number of participants is limited to 20. 

Interested in joining the Training School? To join the Training School, send your application to organizers Nikoleta Soulioti and Johanna Witzell latest on August 28th, 5 pm (CEST), 2023. The application should contain your curriculum vitae and a motivation letter (1 page) explaining briefly why you are interested in this Training School and how you plan to use the knowledge and skills from the Training School. The expert trainers will evaluate and rank the applications, and the invitations will be sent latest on September 6th.